Timesheet Submission

[contact-form-7 id="701" title="Timesheet Submission"]

Uploading your time sheet is easy!

Step One
Fill out the form completely, including your first and last name, an email and phone number where a caseworker can reach you, the caseworker that you've been assigned to, as well as a message for the caseworker that you are submitting your time sheet to.

Step Two
Either scan or take a hi-resolution photograph of your time sheet. Make sure that the image meets the following requirements:

1. Must be one of the following formats:
jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, pdf, doc, docx

2. Cannot be larger than 5mb

3. Has to be completely legible - All text must be able to be read and clearly identifiable*

4. Is centered and not taken at an angle - The time sheet must fit squarely within the frame of the picture being taken*

Example Icons Here

* - For tips on how to take a good photograph of your time sheet, please visit the following site.

Step Three
You're set! Now it's time to upload your time sheet. Once uploaded, you will just need to agree to our Privacy Policy and click the Submit button. Now you're done! Expect to hear from your caseworker within a few days.